Consultation on the Policy Address 2023 

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has commenced consultation on the 2023 Policy Address and the Federation was cordially invited join the consultation session chaired by the Financial Secretary on 22 August 2023.   


The Federation would like to collect members' views and recommendations for the upcoming Policy Address consultation session.  Policy suggestions may include (but not limit to) the following for members consideration: 

  • Support for Hotel & Hospitality sector  

  • Manpower Projection and measures to support Hotel trades 

  • Promotion and enhancing support for E-Tourism 

  • Enhancing regional co-operation on Tourism (e.g. GBA, Hong Kong/Shanghai/Fujian/Sichuan, Pan-Pearl River Delta region, etc) 

  • Strengthening Promotions to Attract Businesses and Talents (via ETOs) 

  • Integrating into National Development (Five-Year Plan, GBA, Belt and Road Initiative) 

  • Establishment of Hotel/Hospitality Training Incentive Scheme 

Your return by August 17, 2023 (Thursday) is much appreciated.  



2023 Policy Address Public Consultation website.