Environmental Protection Department’s Briefing Session


The Federation is pleased to invite Environmental Protection Department(EPD) to present the Waste Management Initiatives. The briefing session includes the topic of the Food TranSmarter, Food Waste Collection, and the upcoming initiatives. Details are as follow: 


Date: June 21, 2023 (Wednesday) 

Time: 3:30pm- 4:30pm 

Venue: Monet Room B, B1, InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong, 70 Mody Road, Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong 


Online Zoom Link: 

Meeting ID: 

813 3882 8191 




EPD Attendance List:  
Dr. AU Sze-man, Vanessa / Assistant Director  
Mr. YIU Yau-man, Wallace / Community Recycling Network Manager  
Mr. CHEN Kin-wun, Edwin / Senior Environmental Protection Officer  
Miss MAK Wing-kwan, Vanessa  / Senior Administrative Officer  
Brief information on TranSmarter:  
“Food TranSmarter” is the first automated food waste pre-treatment system developed in Hong Kong. It converts food waste into slurry for temporary storage through mechanical and biological processes, which is then delivered to the treatment facilities weekly for turning into energy. This provides a hygienic and cost-effective solution for food waste treatment. The system is currently used in different premises, including Government's venues, shopping malls, private housing estates, etc.  
Brief information on Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Charging - An Introduction for the Hotel Trade  
The Amendment Bill to implement MSW charging has been passed by the Legislative Council (LegCo) on 26 August 2021.  We are actively taking forward relevant preparatory work so as to enable the Government, various stakeholders and the public to prepare for the implementation of MSW charging by end this year.  In this presentation, an overview of the MSW Charging Scheme will be given and some best practices for the Hotel trade would be introduced to help the audience get prepared for the charging scheme.      
Brief information on Regulation of disposable plastic products - Free distribution of hotel toiletries  
The Product Eco-responsibility (Amendment) Bill 2023 was introduced into the Legislative Council on 15 March this year, and is being scrutnised by the relevant Bills Committee.  Among others, free distribution of selected hotel toiletries is prohibited under the Amendment Bill.  To speed up the pace of going "plastic-free", subject to the progress of scrutiny, we aim at implementing Phase 1 of the regulation six months after the passage of the Amendment Bill (in early 2024 at the earliest).  We are actively preparing some publicity efforts to enhance the trade's and public's understanding towards the regulation.  


The briefing session will be conducted in Chinese and hybrid mode (both physical and online meeting). 


If you are interested to join the briefing session, please submit the reply slip on or before June 16, 2023 (Friday) 


(Limited to 50 seats for physical briefing session on first come first serve.) 






Company/ Hotel Name: ______________________ 

Representative’s Name: ______________________ 

Position: _______________________ 

Contact No. and Email Address: ___________________________________________ 


__ I will attend the physical briefing session. 

__ I will attend the online briefing session. (We will send the Zoom link in due course.) 


Please respond to: info@fhkho.org or fax: 2367-7805 

Tel: 2369-1887