Regulation on disposable plastic tableware and other plastic products管制即棄膠餐具和其他塑膠產品

It is a general consensus in our society to speed up the pace of going "plastic-free". The "Product Eco-responsibility (Amendment) Bill 2023" for the regulation of disposable plastic tableware and other plastic products was passed by the Legislative Council on October 18, 2023, and will come into force starting from April 22, 2024.  Details of the regulation can be found at the Environmental Protection Department's (EPD) thematic website "Cut The Plastics" (www.cuttheplastics.hk/index.php/en/).  


For licensed hotels and licensed guesthouses, the free distribution of the following disposable plastic products at guestrooms will be prohibited starting from April 22, 2024:  
1.        Plastic-handled toothbrushes  
2.        Plastic-packed toothpaste  
3.        Shower caps  
4.        Razors  
5.        Nail files  
6.        Combs  
7.        Small sized shampoo, body wash, conditioner, lotion and hand wash  
8.        Disposable plastic-bottled water  

The hotel sector should take note of the following points:  

  • While licensed hotels and licensed guesthouses cannot supply the plastic toiletries and disposable plastic-bottled water for free, they can still provide them at a charge separately and show the amount charged on the receipt;  

  • Licensed hotels and licensed guesthouses can provide non-plastic toiletries to guests for free; and  

  • Guests can bring their own toiletries, and they will not violate the law because their own toiletries are made of plastic. 

In addition, the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) notice that some hotels/guesthouses and members of the general public are concerned about the details of the regulations, and may have misunderstandings.  Therefore, in order to facilitate the trade to understand the regulation, the EPD have prepared a series of promotional information disseminated via social media and the thematic website "Cut The Plastics" (including “At A Glance” for the regulation, Q&As on the regulation, promotional videos, posters and leaflets, etc.) and have organised a series of training workshops to assist the trade to get well prepared for the implementation of the new legislation. Members are welcomed to browse the relevant information and register for training workshops through the following links and QR codes:  


Big Waster Facebook (Chinese version only)  


Tamar Talk Facebook (Chinese version only)  






Promotional videos, posters and leaflets in thematic website “Cut The Plastics”  




If members have further questions or comments, please contact the Environmental Protection Department at 2872 1828.  


1.        膠柄牙刷  
2.        塑膠包裝牙膏  
3.        浴帽  
4.        剃刀  
5.        指甲銼  
7.        小樽裝洗髮露、沐浴露、護髮素、潤膚露和洗手液  
8.        即棄膠樽裝水  



  • 持牌酒店及持牌賓館不可免費提供塑膠梳洗用品即棄膠樽裝水,但可在分開收費的情況下提供這些用品,並在收據上顯示所收取的款項;.  

  • 持牌酒店及持牌賓館可向住客免費提供非塑膠梳洗用品;以及  

  • 住客可自攜本身的梳洗用品,住客自攜塑膠梳洗用品不會觸犯法例。 

另外,環境保護署注意到部分酒店/賓館及市民對管制詳情有所關注,也存有誤解。因此,為了方便業界了解管制內容,透過社交媒體及專題網站截塑預備了一系列宣傳訊息 (包括一表看清管制內容、管制即棄塑膠問與答、宣傳短片、海報及單張等)及舉辦一系列培訓講座,以幫助業界為落實新法例做好準備。環境保護署歡迎酒店業界透過以下連結及二維碼瀏覽相關資訊及登記培訓講座:  

如有進一步的問題或意見,可致電2872 1828 與環境保護署聯絡。