Survey on Tightening Sulphur Content Limit of Industrial Diesel and Adjusting the Use of Liquid and Solid Fuel in Sha Tin Fuel Restriction Area


The HKSARG has been reducing emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2) by imposing control on the sulphur contents of fuel with a view to improving air quality in Hong Kong. The Air Pollution Control (Fuel Restriction) Regulations (Cap.311I) currently set a sulphur content limit of 0.005% (by weight) for industrial diesel. Nevertheless, since 2019, the People of Republic China government has fully implemented the requirement for supplying diesel meeting China VI standards (i.e. having a sulphur content not exceeding 0.001%) in order to achieve the "three-oil integration" (三油並軌) of motor diesel, ordinary diesel and oil for some marine vessels having the same sulphur content limit. 


To further reduce emissions from the industrial and commercial sector, the HKSARG proposes to tighten the cap on sulphur contents of industrial diesel to 0.001%. This will bring the sulphur content of diesel for motor, industrial and commercial as well as local and inland marine uses in Hong Kong to be 0.001%, which would dovetail with Mainland’s policy and facilitate better integration of Hong Kong into the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, so as to complement the development of environmental and ecological protection in the region. In fact, the amendment just reflects the actual market situation, as the locally supplied industrial diesel is mainly diesel with sulphur content not exceeding 0.001% at present.  


On the other hand, the HKSARG is also reviewing other provisions under the Cap.311I. It is considered that the provisions about restricting the use of liquid and solid fuel in the Sha Tin Fuel Restriction Area under Cap.311I are obsolete and there is room for adjustment. In this connection, the Environment and Ecology Bureau (Air Policy) would be grateful to have your participation in an opinion survey to collect the trade’s views towards the above proposals, as set out in the attached questionnaire.  


We would be appreciated if you could return the completed questionnaire by fax, mail or email on or before 15 May 2023. Please be assured that the information provided is for internal reference only and will not be released to other parties without your prior consent.  


Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact the Environment and Ecology Bureau (Air Policy) Ms CHEUNG at Tel: 2594 6430 or Ms. FU at Tel: 2594 6591. Thank you for your help.