The Good Employer Charter 2024 《好僱主約章》2024


Please find attached a letter from the Commissioner for Labour inviting employers to join the Good Employer Charter (GEC) 2024 for your perusal.   


Members interested may click here to download the enrolment form, and return the completed form with copy of relevant documents for authentication (e.g. Business Registration Certificate, Certificate of Incorporation or other documents) to the Workplace Consultation Promotion Division of LD on or before 31 March 2024 by email (gec@labour.gov.hk), fax (2425 4132) or mail (Room 520, 5/F, Mongkok Government Offices, 30 Luen Wan Street, Mongkok, Kowloon).   


For details, please visit the thematic website of GEC 2024, or contact the Labour Department at 3165 1664 for enquiries. 




按此下載《約章》2024參加表格,填妥後連同機構的證明文件(如商業登記證、公司註冊證明書或其他證明),2024331日或之前以電郵(gec@labour.gov.hk)、傳真(2425 4132)或郵寄(九龍旺角聯運街30號旺角政府合署5520室)方式交回勞工處勞資協商促進科。 


詳情請瀏覽《約章》2024專題網頁,或致電3165 1664與勞工處職員查詢。