Updates from the Environmental Protection Department on the Amendments in the Product Eco-Responsibility Bill


On 21 February 2024, the Federation together with the Hon Perry YIU, LegCo Member (Travel Industry), Hong Kong Hotels Association and Hotel Controllers & Accountants Association of Hong Kong met with the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) to discuss the concerns and recommendations raised by the hotel trade regarding the amendments in the Product Eco-responsibility (Amendment) Bill 2023 for regulating disposable plastic tableware and other plastic products. 


It was a very positive and constructive engagement again since our previous meeting in December 2023, we are also encouraged by EPD’s proactive approach and willingness to work with our trade and to address concerns raised during our discussion.  The following are some of the key updates that were discussed. 


Implementation Support and Supplier Identification: 


EPD have been aware of the concerns from some trade representatives on the feasibility to search for suitable alternatives. In response, the EPD has recently launched the “Cut the Plastics” online information platform (https://www.cuttheplastics.hk/index.php/en/ ).  Apart from providing information to the public and the trade on the regulation and alternative options of various plastics, it also has a dedicated page for the hotel trade to provide information on the suppliers of reusable/non-plastic hotel toiletries. 



EPD will continue to work closely with suppliers to identify more suitable and lower cost alternatives our trade has difficulty sourcing.  The website will also be updated from time to time to provide more of the latest information including product lists with our trade. Besides, hotels are allowed to provide disposable plastic toiletries to customers at a charge. 


Training and Awareness for Trades: 


Since January this year, EPD has been distributing trade-specific promotional leaflets to approximately 11 000 retail stores and 1 800 hotels and guesthouses to help them better understand the regulatory requirements. EPD have also been maintaining close communication and contact with our trade. 


In addition to promotion, the government understands that our hotel trade has various concerns about the details of the regulation. As such, we have been proactively in discussion to facilitate education and training to help the hotels comply with the regulatory requirements.  Since January this year, the EPD has been organizing around 50 online and offline training sessions to provide comprehensive and focused training for different sectors (including the catering, retail, and hotel sectors, etc.) to address their questions about the regulation at an early stage.  The government estimates that about 1 700 people will have participated in a total of 19 training seminar as at end February this year. 


Public Awareness Promotion for General Public and Visitors: 


To let various strata of the society understand the content of the regulation, EPD are progressively launching a comprehensive promotional and educational campaign. Starting from 1 February this year, EPD have progressively initiated a series of extensive promotional initiatives, such as releasing promotional videos and audios, trade-specific promotional clips, posters, and advertisements, etc. through various channels (including television, radio, public transportation stations and vehicle exteriors, restaurant storefronts, building lobbies and external digital screens, news and lifestyle mobile applications and websites, etc.). 


These initiatives aim to introduce the regulation in the daily lives of the general public, so as to raise public awareness and understanding of the regulation and encourage the public to support “plastic-free” in practice.   Further promotion will be available targeting visitors at major border control points and at the airport about the new regulation requirements. 


Implementation and Enforcement details: 


At the resumption of second reading debate on the Amendment Bill last year, the Government stated that non-compliant businesses would mainly be issued advice or warning during the first two months after the legislation comes into effect. Given that the regulated plastic products are widely used in the market, there will be a process for changes to take place.  The Government also understands that certain trades may require some time to adjust their business operation. 


The Federation welcomes the government in adopting a progressive enforcement model by designating the first six months following the implementation of the regulation on 22 April as an adaptation period.  This is a major enhancement compared to the two months period stated at the resumption of the second reading debate on the Amendment Bill last year.  During this period, the EPD will arrange staff to proactively inspect relevant business premises, and will focus on promotion and education, as well as providing appropriate advice to help businesses to comply with the requirements under the new legislation. 


After the six-month period, EPD will adopt a risk-based enforcement model and take enforcement actions against those “non-compliant black spots” with repeated non-compliance records. The EPD will also establish a hotline to address enquiries, complaints, and receive reports of violation from the public and the trades. 


The Federation is committed in promoting sustainable best practices within the hospitality industry.  We are eager to work closely with the government to showcase our dedication to environmental responsibility.  The Federation appreciates the EPD's efforts in addressing hotel trades concerns and is eager to work collaboratively to achieve our shared goals when the regulation is to take effect on 22 April 2024. 


Thank you for your continued support, and we will keep you updated on any further developments.  If members have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us.