The 15th National Games(NG), the 12th National Games for Persons with Disabilities (NGD) and the 9th National Special Olympic Games (NSO) will be co-hosted in Guangdong (GD), Hong Kong and Macao in November and December 2025.

We have submitted the Tourism Development Blueprint 2.0 proposal as attached (in Chinese only) for member information.

Mr. LAU Chun, Raistlin, JP, Under Secy for Culture, Sports and Tourism has given the opening remarks at the Legislative Council meeting regarding the 'Tourism is Everywhere in Hong Kong' and Developing Mega Event Economy.

Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge is the cross-sea passage connecting Shenzhen and Zhongshan cities in Guangdong Province and Nansha District of Guangzhou City. The construction work of the Bridge is now at the final stage.

To enhance promotion of energy saving and decarbonisation in buildings, "The Chief Executive's 2023 Policy Address" announced that trade consultation would be conducted on the proposed amendments to the Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance Cap.610 (BEEO). As part of the proposed amendments, the government plan to require hotel building to conduct energy audit as shown in enclosed Appendix 1.