I am thrilled to share with you some incredible news that I'm sure will delight your guests during their stay in Hong Kong.
The Hong Kong Tourism Board has introduced a new rating program in collaboration with leading consultants CrescentRating, to further advance Hong Kong as a top Muslim-friendly destination.
We have submitted the Tourism Development Blueprint 2.0 proposal as attached (in Chinese only) for member information.
Mr. LAU Chun, Raistlin, JP, Under Secy for Culture, Sports and Tourism has given the opening remarks at the Legislative Council meeting regarding the 'Tourism is Everywhere in Hong Kong' and Developing Mega Event Economy.
The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) is introducing a new round of promotion on its digital offers platform in July 2024. It aims to further promote Hong Kong tourism services to visitors, and create more promotion opportunities for hotel partners, thereby encourage visitors to explore the city’s culinary delights. The first phase of the promotional campaign "Summer Chill Hong Kong" (tentative name) will be launched from July to September 2024, in order to stimulate local consumption during the peak travel season.